When you purchase RV insurance, it’s important that you understand exactly what coverage your policy is offering. At Hedgepeth-Hutson Insurance Services Inc., we provide RV insurance to RV owners in the Nashville, NC area.
The following are three expenses your RV insurance policy should provide coverage for.
Repair costs for RV damage
A good RV insurance policy should provide collision coverage. This type of coverage will pay for repairs to the RV itself in an accident.
If you purchase liability insurance alone, your RV insurance policy won’t provide coverage for RV damages. However, it’s always a good idea to invest in collision coverage to enjoy coverage for repair costs.
Medical bills resulting from an accident involving the RV
Any RV insurance policy should provide liability coverage. Liability coverage is required by law if you’re driving your RV on public roadways.
RV liability coverage will pay for any medical bills that result from an accident for which the policyholder has been judged at fault.
Property damage resulting from an accident for which the RV owner is at fault
Another type of liability coverage that a standard RV insurance policy should include is property damage coverage.
In the state of North Carolina, an RV insurance policy needs to include at least $25,000 in property damage coverage. This coverage will come into play if the policyholder is deemed at fault for damages to the property of another party in an accident.
Are you on the market for the right RV insurance policy in Nashville, NC? Let us help you find the right policy for your needs. You can reach out to us on the phone or via our website at Hedgepeth-Hutson Insurance Services Inc. for assistance with RV insurance concerns.